Range of Services

Events and Workshops
We tutor a range of workshops to support clubs to develop and grow including Sport England Buddle Courses.
If you require support to deliver a workshop for clubs get in touch.
Club Support Sessions
These one-hour sessions are designed to be delivered online, to discuss the challenges your club are facing. We will discuss your club’s current situation and we will provide advice on best practice, potential solutions, and signpost you to available resources.
You can book a one off session or a block of sessions to help you throughout the year and if you are not sure you can book an initial discovery meeting of 30 mins for free to discuss your priorities and agree on which plan might be right for you?

One off
60 minute session.
Price £60
payable by invoice in advance
Block of 3, 60 minute sessions
delivered monthly.
Total price £165
Payment of £65 in advance followed by 2 payments of £50 after each subsequent session
Block of 5, 60 minute sessions
delivered monthly.
Total price £250
Payment of £70 in advance, followed by 4 payments of £45 after each subsequent session.

Indivdiual Mentoring Sessions
These one-hour sessions are designed to be delivered online, to support your personal growth. We will discuss your career ambitions/ business ideas, review any personal development needs and I will provide advice from my experience, and signpost you to potential networking opportunities.
You can book a one off session or a block of sessions to help you on an ongoing basis and if you are not sure you can book an initial discovery meeting of 30 mins for free to discuss your priorities and agree on which plan might be right for you?
One off
60 minute session.
Price £40
payable by invoice in advance
Block of 3, 60 minute sessions
delivered monthly.
Total price £110
Payment of £50 in advance followed by 2 payments of £30 after each subsequent session
Block of 5, 60 minute sessions
delivered monthly.
Total price £175
Payment of £60 in advance, followed by 4 payments of £30 after each subsequent session.
Consultancy Services
If you need more than just advice and require someone to drive your project forward, get in touch for details on where you can get support in a number of areas including;
Sports Development
Facility Development
Strategy and Planning
For more details click here